Tuesday 1 November 2011

Birthday Party time.

Its almost that time of year again! The silly season is extra silly at my house. Two of my angels have their birthdays on the same week as christmas! Master almost 2, will turn 2 on the 22nd and Little miss 7 will become Little miss 8 on the 23rd. I have been planning there parties for a few months now. Nothing serious, just jotting down notes on things i would like do, Pinning idea's on pinterest and buying the occasional cute decoration if i happen to see one. But its time to start getting serious. before you know it their party days will be here!!! 

This is what i have so far....

Little Miss 7 has requested a Pony Party. So i did some searching and i found a place near by that takes children on trail rides and has picnic tables. So i booked it straight away as getting a venue in december can be tough. I have ordered some gorgeous cupcake toppers for her cake and purchased the basics (tablecloth, plates, cups, napkins), and bought a cute my little pony pinata. But this is as far as i have gotten with her party.

 These are the cupcake toppers that i bought. i got them from HERE

Mr 2's party is going to be at home. Just a simple family and friends party as he does not attend preschool so does not have any other "friends".  It is going to be a jungle party. 

So far for his party i have purchased a set of printables (but am yet to print them), Found some cute jars to fill with lollies, ordered his cupcakes, got some super cute blow up jungle items (palm tree, monkey and lion), Bought the plates and bowls, and got some cute little jungle animals for his party bags. 

These are the printables i bought 

I still have so much to do!! but i am glad that i have at least some of it sorted!!


  1. The pony cupcake toppers are adorable. My girls are nuts about ponies and unicorns...has been that way for three years now and still they want more MLP xmas presents.

  2. Hi Kirri, Its amazing how long they like some things for and how quickly they start and stop liking other things. MLP is also one of the stayer at my place. I thought she would have out grown them by 8 but nope.
