Tuesday, 14 February 2012

weigh in 4

Its my 4th weigh in today and my 6th week of trying to lose those last pesky 4 kilos. Boy is this a slow and drawn out process! The weight is ever so slowly coming off which is a bit disappointing but at least its coming off. On the plus side all this healthy eating and exercise has helped change my mood. Life can be a bit tough as a mother of 3 little kidlets. Im sure i'm not alone when i say that some days are hard and some afternoons are measured in hours left until bedtime. On these days a quick run once the kids are in bed can make a huge difference to my mood. I have always been a fairly fit and healthy person and i'm starting to feel like my old self again. The fact that my youngest princess is sleeping through more often these days is probably also helping me feel normal, but i'm sure that most of the good vibes are coming from the exercise.
time to reveal how i did this week...

Arms: 28.5cm
Chest: 85cm (can it even get any smaller *cry*)
Waist: 76cm
Tummy 92cm
Hips 94cm
Thigh 53.5cm

Weight 63.1 kilos
BMI 21.4

Lets go back and see how this compares to week 1

Arms: 1/2 cm gain
Chest 3cm loss
Waist 2cm loss
Tummy 3cm loss
Hips 2cm loss
Thigh 2.5cm loss

Weight 1.1 kilo loss
BMI  21.08

As you can see apart from my arms (not sure what happened there) my numbers have all decreased even if only a little bit. From now on i need to remember this pearl of wisdom

image credit (could not find original source)

And when I need some motivation

image credit

1 comment:

  1. Good Work again this week!!! I think you are doing well..... hope this week is easier and you see more results - i think your results are pretty good though so far :)
