Wednesday 14 December 2011

Wiggles = Fail

A few months ago i was looking through my emails and i noticed one from Ticketek that said there was a Wiggles concert coming up in December. My little boy, Master almost two LOVES the wiggles. It is the only thing i can put on if i need a bit of peace. Guaranteed to get Master almost two, to stop roaring around the house like a tornado and actually sit relatively still. I bought tickets straight away. This was going to be perfect. An outing that is guaranteed to be a success. I was so excited to be taking him and i could not wait to see his cute little face when he saw the Wiggles come out on stage.

This however is NOT how it turned out. I made, it would seem, many poor choices when i was planning this big outing. I decided in my wisdom that we would watch the 1pm show. That way my little man could sleep on the way up to newcastle and be happy and fresh to watch the show. In reality my little man stayed awake for the entire hour and a half train ride.

I decided to get the early train so that we could stop and have a nice lunch before the show. Once again, in reality he was so tired after missing his nap that he ended up being super cranky and he turned into a tantrum thrower extraodinaire, throwing himself to the ground and screaming at the top of his lungs as often as possible.

I decided that since he was in such a bad mood it would be a good idea to go in and take our seats a little early. I had enough food to keep him occupied for a good twenty minutes and this would save what i had left of my sanity. I am afraid that this is not what happened. He wiggled and cried and ate his food too fast leaving me with a very tired, cranky and now bored little boy in a confined space. He threw his drink bottle at the poor little girl who was sitting in front of us and stared screaming uncontrollably. I am certain that everyone was staring at us! But it was 12:55 and the concert started at 1:00 so i only needed to keep him calm for another 5 minutes right? Wrong. 1:00 came and went and there were no Wiggles to be seen.
Finally at 1:25 the Wiggles walked out on stage. My little man's eye's opened wide and he smiled from ear to ear!!

Finally i had something right! he was going to really enjoy this concert! Everything that had happened up until now was worth it!

He watched the first 2 songs, approximately 10 minutes of the concert and then he could not fight sleep any longer and fell asleep in my lap. That is not what i had pictured when i was fantasising about how wonderful this concert was going to be.

The whole thing was a huge fail! But in the end i learnt a few things. It is better to drive to things events like that. It is not a good idea to see the afternoon show, and 2 years old may be too young.

Oh well.... i will know what to next year :)


  1. I have had many things that haven't gone to plan. I think it's to be expected with kids! My F-I-L always says 'If everything went perfectly, you'd have nothing to talk about' - which is so true.

  2. That is very true! Thanks Debbie for giving me a different way to look at it :)

  3. LOL this is hilarious, and I've been there! I took my son aged 3 to see the Hooley Dooleys years ago. He spent the whole time facing the back of the room - apparently the HD's in real life and that big purple bear thing were just too confronting. he didn't dance or sing or anything. Epic Fail. We learnt to just buy the DVD LOL
