Monday 16 January 2012

SYL Challenge Week 2

SYL Challenge week 2


I have been putting this post off all week. I kept thinking about the task and wondering how I was going to tackle it. Then once I realised I was not entirely sure how I was going to do it. I put it on the back burner and went off to do something else. I was also worried that I might find that my values were all wrong, can they be wrong? My negative inner voice kept telling me "It will be all right to just skip this one". "You can start up again next week".But I cant let my inner voice win!

So I sat down to work
out what my 5 core values are.

I decided to do the big list and then narrow it down. When I first started, my list sat blank for what felt like hours. But then I slowly started to write things down and one line at a time, my page started filling up. 

I looked down at my page and started putting my list into sub categories. Using 5 different coloured highlighters I tried to group my list into 5 sub categories. 

Once I had finished colour coding my list I was pretty happy with myself. I was not too sure if my original sentences were actually values or not but i could see a common theme and i was sure that these were values. 

So what sort of things did i have on my original list?

*feeding my family nutritious meals
*Keeping them away from fast food restaurants
*playing outside with them as often as possible
*believing that the decisions I make may be right
*keeping EVERYTHING as organised as possible so life as a uni student mother of three can be as stress free as possible
*Making sure i study EVERY DAY to ensure i keep my GPA over 5.5
*exercising every day, It makes me feel terrible and I am hard on myself if I go to bed without doing any exercise during the day. 
*finding the good in each day
*stopping to enjoy the good moments
*teaching my children to live
*worrying less
*the belief that every thing will be alright in the end

..... And the list goes on

So what were my final 5 values narrowed down to 5 words?

Family     Health     Happiness     Hope     Organisation

Wait... is organisation a value? Is there a better word for that?    


  1. wow! I struggled too with this task.
    what a good idea on going about doing your list.
    Well done!

  2. I love the way you did the task...I found it a hard one too. I think organisation is a value - I have it as one of my top 5!

  3. It was a hard task to do! I'm about to embark on the studying journey this year, so I will have to be super-organised. I give high regard to being organised, so yes, I think it is a value! (Being responsible for our time?!)

  4. I agree that organisation is definitely a value. And hope, that is one that very nearly made my list, I included positivity instead! Good luck with the rest of the challenge.

  5. well done for not listening to your inner voice! I have a sad sack inner voice that like to take the easy out too ;)

    I think that's a great top 5 values :D

  6. It was hard because we were all forced to look into ourselves - at something we probably dont often question... I found it very difficult but was so happy when i had finished the task!! I love that organisation is one of your values - i am pretty sure it should be one of mine. well done on your list and good luck with the next 50 weeks :)

  7. I absolutely love your approach - as soon as I was reading your list i could see the value words that matched that!
