Monday 2 January 2012

Farewell old friend. 2011 the year that was.

Well here we are in the 1st week of 2012, it's hard to believe that 2011 is over. 2011 was good to me, I honestly can't think of anything bad that happened. Although I am sure that there must have been 1 or 2 small bad things happen, I can not remember any.

I first realized this on New Years Eve. All down my Facebook newsfeed
my friends and family were talking about how terrible 2011 was for them, and how they would be glad to see it end. I had a quick think about the year that had passed and I couldn't think of anything bad. I did not think long and hard though. Just a fleeting thought before I turned my attention back to NYE.

But then today I found out about the the 52 weeks to simplify your life challenge  and when I was writing down my successes and blessings for week 1, I again tried to remember if anything bad had happened but I still couldn't think of any.

Wow! A year full of positives with no negatives to be found!!
That has never happened in my crazy wonderful life before.

So here is my list of successes and blessings as per week 1 of the challenge...

  • I completed the 1st year of my Uni degree and received 4 credits and 4 distinctions.

  • I asked my boyfriend to marry me and he said yes.

  • I gave birth to my 3rd child who has been an angel of a baby so far.

  • We went on 2 family holidays.

  • I learnt how to organize my family. This is an ongoing process that is making my life so much easier.

  • I lost the baby weight I had gained through a very strict diet and lots of exercise. I still have a few (3.2kgs  to be exact) kilos to go to reach my final weight loss goal but I am confident that I can do it. 

  • I managed to teach my 2 year old how to sleep through the night. It was hard work but well worth the effort and the tears.

  • I learned to try and worry less and go with the flow. I am certain that this helped to me to have a great year. 

The strange thing is that I had not even noticed that I had had a great year. If it were not for this challenge and the status updates of my friends, I may not ever have noticed! This fact makes me feel ashamed. I mean... what is the point of having a great year if you dont even know that your having it?

So this year I aim to have another great year. BUT this year i plan on taking notice and doing my best to enjoy it! 

Happy New Year Everyone!!


  1. Isn't it amazing how when you actually take note of all the small positives, they can add up to one massively successful year? Wishing you ongoing positives and possibilities for 2012!

  2. these are some AMAZING achievements for 2011! I am so impressed by your uni results, your weight loss and YOU asking your man to marry you!!
    Heres to 2012 being another awesome year for you!

  3. That does sound like a great (and busy) year! Best wishes for 2012.

  4. Wow you have had a very blessed year - and thank you for having the courage to say yes i had a great year!!!! We always try to find the bad things..... :)

  5. It's so nice to read that someone had a great year with nothing bad happening. Good stuff!

    Congratulations on your grades too!

  6. A year with nothing bad happening! Awesome! Hope 2012 is the same for you (and the rest of us! :-) )

  7. Thank you everyone for visiting my blog! i always feel blessed when people take the time to read and comment!!
    Wishing you all a fantastic 2012 xx

  8. Fantastic - i noticed those posts in my facebook stream too. I am glad you were able to stop and acknowledge how great a year you had a celebrate it instead of trying to downplay it. I love that you asked your boyfriend to marry you and good on you for your successes!

  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! What an awesome year for you and your family. I noticed the negativity on FB and twitter too, it can be really easy to join that little pity party if you let yourself. Can't wait to see what the year 2012 brings for you xxx
