Tuesday 4 October 2011

Introducing Me

Hi, my name is Clare and i am an ordinary mum with 3 beautiful but somewhat noisy and usually a bit dirty children. They are Gemma 7, Gregory 22 months and Amelia 11 weeks old. I live on the Central Coast NSW where nothing much ever seems to happen. I  am a 33 years old (wow i hate saying that out loud), and i am a uni student. Yep you read that correctly. I am currently making up for a miss spent youth.
I have just finished the 1st year of my degree which has taken 2 years as i did it part time. During that 2 years i have also had 2 babies. I like to think they are going to be smart babies as they spent most of there gestational time in a lecture theatre listening to smart people babble on about boring stuff, while i tried not to fall asleep. I am also a work at home mum, so as you can imagine, with 3 kids, a uni degree and a home business things can get a little CRAZY at my house. I am slowly but surely learning how to be organised, and how to organise my house so it at least appears to run smoothly. Its still in the trail and error stage at the moment I'm afraid, but that's good for you as you get to learn along with me. I am also totally open to suggestions from any of you clever people who have managed to get a system in place that works.I am totally loving the organising experience and each time i successfully organise an area of my home or my life i feel like i have achieved something great.So come on my journey with me as i try to keep my house clean, my children alive, my grades up and my weight down. I'm looking forward to meeting you :) 

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