Wednesday 12 October 2011

Losing my baby weight

After i gave birth to my first baby, i pretty much just bounced back to my usual weight. I guess because it was my 1st baby and because 1 was still young (25) it was easy for my body to return to normal. Fast forward 5 years and i'm still looking like my usual self and wondering what everyone is talking about when they say they are struggling to get their pre-baby body back. Surely they were just being lazy?
i mean i looked as good as new. Karma must have caught me being cocky, and when at 31, i had my second baby, i gained 32 kilos!! That is the weight of a few small children, and i looked like i may have eaten them!! There was a bit of a struggle but with diet (i went on the kickstart soup diet) and exercise (i started jogging) i was slowly getting my weight back under control. I had 6 kilo's left to be back at my pre baby weight when.... surprise... i found out i was pregnant again! Fast forward 1 more time and here i am, 33 years old, 3 beautiful children and a body that needs quite a bit of work.
I already eat a very healthy diet in terms of main meals. I don't eat anything "white" I only eat red meat once a week and I don't use full fat anything. But I am a sucker for snacks. I raid the biscuit jar every time I walk into the kitchen. It apparently does not matter how "low fat" the biscuits are... If your going to eat the entire packet. I have also been pretty slack with my running lately. I have had more excuses than willpower.  I have gotten stuck at a certain weight and even with my mostly good eating and occasional exercise the scales are just not moving.
I have decided against my better judgement to take drastic and somewhat lazy measures. For the next 21 days I am cutting out sugar. I'm hoping this will shock my body and kick start my weight loss again, and lets face it, its easier than exercise. It's still going to be a struggle that's for sure. It's only day 1 and I have already found myself taking the lid off the cookie jar just to smell the sugar.
I have had a headache and been a bit more snappy than usual (although with lack of sleep being snappy is sadly no longer unusual for me), but I have survived the 1st day. Only 20 more to go. Hopefully it will get easier and I will get skinnier. I will check back in when the 21 days are over and let you know how I went.
Wish me luck


  1. Hi! Linked here from Digital Parents. I was the same as you - no problems after #1 but after #3 I realised it was going to take some serious effort to lose the baby weight. I, too, cut out sugar for a month and it was just what I needed to start the weight loss. I'm now 12kg down and the lightest I've been since I started having kids. Good luck - let us know how you go!

    Tam xx

  2. Hi Calicolane,
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog.
    How comforting to hear that you are down 12kg's after baby number 3. my weight keeps staying exactly the same, almost right down to the gram no matter what i do. I was beginning to think i was going to be stuck at this weight forever!! Its also good to know that the no sugar challenge might work!! Thank you for letting me know im not alone :)

  3. I'm a biscuit girl too, I can't only have 1, and they disappear so quickly when I dunk them in my tea!

    Love your blog, found you through Digital Parents xx

  4. Hi, Marissa,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
    YUM! i love dunking biscuits in my tea!!
    Im hoping after my 21 days are up i will learn to do this in moderation.
